viernes, 4 de enero de 2008

I don't mind about who has brought this present...

I want to open a debate. Now it’s the time of traditions and customs, but it’s very different than hundreds of years ago, when the different cultures existed separately. Nowadays there are a lot of religions and cultures in the same region. Spain is a very clear example: people used to celebrate the night of the Three Wise Men but now Santa Claus has arrived and that’s confusing the children.

Some people celebrate that the Three Wise Men had come from the Middle East and had brought some presents to the baby Jesus. The night between the 5th and the 6th of January people bring presents to the children after they had sent them a letter saying what they want.

On the other hand, Santa Claus is an old man who lives in the North Pole with his woman and some elves called bendegums working in a workshop making presents for the children. The night between the 24th and the 25th, Santa Claus travels around the world with nine flying reindeers pulling his sleigh giving out toys and presents through the fireplaces.

These are two different traditions from different places but now something is changing because every year people in Spain prefers to believe in Santa Claus before the Three Wise Men. I think it’s good to accept new traditions, but I think that the other one is becoming forgotten. Maybe it happens because Christmas Holidays finish on the 8th of January and children can play with the new toys more time if they believe in Santa. Maybe we should change the day of the first one, I don’t know. What do you think about this?


miércoles, 2 de enero de 2008


Well, first of all, HAPPY NEW YEAR!! I like this year because it ends with 8.
I’ve visited some web pages and I’ve seen the “Top New Year’s Resolutions” for 2008. I’ve never made New Year’s Resolutions but last year I worked about it in class and now I’ll try to do it this year:

1- In the Top Ten, the first is “Get out of debt or save money”. Well, I’m not in debt, so I’ll go for “Don’t worry about money”.
2- The second is “Lose weight”. I am 1, 72 meters tall and 65 kg weight and I think I am well, maybe I’ll say “Grow and don’t get weight”, until I think the first thing doesn’t depend on me.
3- In the third place, “Fit in fitness”. I agree with that. I’ve checked that if I stop moving one week I lose a lot of fitness, then I won’t stop doing exercise.
4- “Quit smoking” is a very important resolution, but there is a problem: I don’t smoke. Then I’ll say “Don’t start smoking”.
5- The fifth is “Get organized”. I like order and I think I am quite organized but a little more order wouldn't hurt.
6- “Enjoy life more”. Well, everybody has got his own viewpoint about life, but I think we should be happier with small things. Maybe I need to add something: “Don’t worry as much about things and enjoy life more”.
7- “Work less, play more”. I think everybody would like this, but I think that’s nearly impossible. Then, I would like to “Enjoy working”.
8- Number eight is “Develop a new skill or talent”. I like this resolution, but I don’t mind if it’s this or “Improve my skills”.
9- In the ninth place, “Change employment”. But I don’t want to change employment this year because I feel very good working in the beach. I’d rather “Keep my job”.
10- In the last place people usually say “others” and I’ll leave it blank because there are a lot of things to change or to intend. Maybe you can give your opinion and propose other New Year’s Resolutions.