Dogs are one of my passions. I haven’t got a dog because my family doesn’t let me have one but, when I’ll have my home, I’ll have a dog.
But I’m sure that I won’t pay a lot of money to buy a dog because, after all, I don’t mind if a dog has got pedigree or not. Surely I’ll visit a dog pound and choose one. I prefer doing this because these dogs are more pleasant and they need more affection because they have had bad experiences like mistreatments or abandonment. I think that people who mistreat dogs are despicable.
And now, if my friend Ariadna lets me do it, I put the link to this video, because I saw it and it’s incredible. We should stop these actions and be more respectful with animals, because they won’t kill us because of stupid causes.
domingo, 8 de junio de 2008
Man's best friend
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Lost 8
Etiquetas: Animals
sábado, 7 de junio de 2008
Sport, tournament, handball
Like every year, we have gone to the pavilion at early morning (well, sometimes it’s good to wake up early). We have made the teams (we used to make the teams one or two weeks before the tournament, but this year it has been more improvised). Then, after saying our name (the “Ex-Patayas”) and receiving our t-shirt, matches have started. At the morning, we have played five matches (we have won three of them) and then have had dinner (I was very hungry after playing all the morning). When we have finished we have played another match because we had been classified, but we have lost. I’ve stayed to watch the last match. It has been very exciting because the two teams were so equaled, they have played two parts and there was a draw. After the play-off, there was another draw but the players were very tired and they have finished it with a penalty. Now I’m very tired, but it has been worthy. I have a medal (the cup has been very close but...).In the photo you can see our goalkeeper, with one of his savings.
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Lost 8
jueves, 5 de junio de 2008
To be left-handed
Some religions, cultures or groups have thought that left-handedness is something evil, a bad sign, and some words like “sinister” have got a negative meaning, while words related with the right side have got good meanings. For example, the word “right” is used to talk about the side or to say “good” and “to put something to rights” is to “repair something”. In some states, teachers told lefties off if they use the left hand.

If we look around us, we can see that most of the objects and tools have been designed for being used with the right hand. Scissors and knives can’t be used if the edge isn’t asymmetrical. The mouse of the computer is usually placed in the right side. It can be configured to be used with the other hand, but some of the buttons aren’t accessible with this way. Another curious thing that goes unnoticed is that the letters in pencils, pens, crayons, etc. are written in a manner that, if you use the right hand, words can be read, but with the other hand, all the words are upside down. Moreover, the main button of a camera is pushed by the right hand, and the screen is in the left side. Furthermore, the set squares and most of the instruments (for example, guitars) have got the same problem

I am left-handed and one of the things that I think it’s very uncomfortable is to write. I need to write from left to right and, if I don’t care, I spread all the ink over the paper. Then, I need to write in a weird position which isn’t very good for my wrist and I can’t use some types of pens because the ink dries up slowly. I also hate the rings or the spirals of the notebooks. Necessarily, I’ve learned how to use my right hand: I cut, I use the mouse, I play the guitar, etc.
I think that lefties should be more beard in mind, because a 7-10% of the population is a very important part. Since 1976, the 13th of August is the International Lefthanders Day and there are some shops specialized in tools for lefties.
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Lost 8
miércoles, 4 de junio de 2008
My dear madwomen
Hello! Today I’m going to talk about these two characters: Estela and Àngels. I haven’t got a photo with them (well maybe one but I don’t know where it is) and I’ve stolen this one from their blog.
I’ll start with Àngels: I know her since we were very little and we played basketball in the same team. She was (and is) one year older than me and the other players and she took advantage (that year we finished in the third position!). Now we have grown but she is as madder as then (well, now a little bit more). When she laughs she does it very loudly, then she weakens but, after a few seconds she laughs again. One of her phrases is something like “two stones!”. Don’t worry if you have a heart attack or you break a bone, because she is an excellent lifeguard and she will look after you.
And now, Estela. Maybe you can think she is more serious when you look at her, but that’s false, when she starts laughing she can't stop. I call her “mop”, because she doesn’t match with the oranges. Then, she doesn’t like it and she blows up her cheeks and shows the tongue. And now I am thinking and I don’t remember when I met her... (My memory is failing).
Well, if you want to see them you only should go to Las Vegas. Bye!
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Lost 8
Etiquetas: Friends
martes, 3 de junio de 2008
Do you believe in luck?
Some people only live for the game, the gambling, they believe in something with a supernatural power that can decide their future. There are a lot of persons leaving their money or their life on luck’s power. They wear charms or they pray. They also try to find a four-leaf clover or a leprechaun. Everything is good for having more luck: to get up with the right foot or to agree with the devil.
On the other hand, they believe in things that bring the bad luck nearer, for example, to walk under a ladder or to break a mirror.
I believe a bit in luck, but I especially believe in Murphy’s Law: “If anything can go wrong, it will”. For example, if a toast falls from the table, the side of the butter will touch the floor, or, if you need to take a decision with a 50 of chance to get right, you will always choose the wrong option.
Another thing that I think it’s very curious is the “feng shui”. It comes from Asia and it is based in the objects in the house: If they are in the correct place, the feng shui will flow and you’ll be lucky, but if they aren’t well put, you’ll be unlucky.
I’ve found a very happy experiment: Theoretically, the toasts usually fall with the worst side on the floor, and cats always fall on the floor on their legs. The experiment is this: What will happen if we tie a toast on the back of a cat?
Unfortunately, the person who made this experiment didn’t calculate well the distances and the cat died. Moreover, the toast fall from the cat and dirtied the floor.
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