martes, 15 de abril de 2008

The most real human anatomy

Finally, I have visited “Bodies: The exhibition”! At first, I wanted to go there last Christmas, but I couldn’t and I thought the exhibition would finish. They have adjourned the removal until the 22nd of this month because of its success, and last Sunday I decided to go to the Museu Marítim and watch this amazing exhibition.

I went there early morning and I didn’t need to queue.
At first, we entered in a lit room, with the parts of the body that we are used to seeing, like the skeleton or the muscles.

Before continue explaining, I tell you something about this exhibition: it’s an exposition of bodies and organs with a peculiarity: these samples are real human bodies donated on a voluntary basis to the science and preserved with a sort of silicone. That’s very shocking and realistic, but it isn’t bloodthirsty. After that, I continue with the adventure.

The following rooms were more incredible. Beyond the bones and the muscles there were the feelings. There was an incredible thing: the whole nervous system separated from the rest of the body. It seemed like an octopus. One boy felt sick watching it and he needed to go out. In the photo on the top of the post you can see two figures from the same body. Incredible.
The next thing which impressed me a lot was the circulatory system. With a very strange method, the muscles, the bones and all the parts of the body except the blood vessels had been extracted. They were put in showcases and submerged in a special transparent substance, and a light illuminated them getting a deep red color. It was very curious because the lungs were full of veins and arteries, like a sponge.
Then, there was a section with a poster warning the pregnant women. Inside of the room, loads of embryos and fetuses were shown. Some of them were put in development order and you could watch the small bones or the organs.
There was also a big hall, where people could see the human body separated in a lot of cross-sections. In one of the corners of the room, there was a person with a lot of parts of the body and you could touch some of them. I handled a human brain, a biceps and a liver, amongst others.

Another shocking thing was the room of the respiratory system. There, in two different showcases: the first one contained the lungs of a healthy person, but in the second one there were the lungs of a smoker, and those were black and revolting. Between the two showcases there was another one, with a hole in the middle and full of packets with cigarettes.
To end the visiting, there were three books where people wrote their points of view about the exhibition and, obviously, a souvenir shop.
When I went out of the building there was a very long queue, with a lot of people waiting for watching a very good exhibition.

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