viernes, 4 de abril de 2008

Thinking about the future

Today I have visited the Montjuic fairground (Barcelona) with my high school classmates. In one of the pavilions there was the fair about the teaching (that’s what we wanted to visit). There were a lot of universities and teaching centers showing their facilities and the different courses and degrees available, with demonstrations and students or teachers from each center willing to answer our questions.

Once there we have walked around the stands, picking up brochures (and other things like a bag, a plastic ball, some sweets, pencils, pens, etc.) and asking for some information.
I am interested in Technical degrees and Design degrees but I still don’t know what I’m going to study.

First of all I’ve visited stands related with Design. I’d want to study “Product Design” and to specialize in “Cars”, but it’s too expensive and I need to be studying six or seven years. The other way is to study Mechanical Engineering. I like it but probably I won’t go to Barcelona but I’ll go to Girona’s university, which is cheaper and more nearby.
I don’t mind about the “minimum marks” because they are always very low (a five) because they need a lot of workers.

But there is a thing that I don’t like: next year will appear a new program of studies and all the things that I’ve consulted won’t be useful. It’s called the “Bologna process” and I don’t know if it will be a good or a bad change because some people say that it’s necessary but others don’t agree with it.

The conclusion of the day: Everything seems to be very easy and fun at first sight, but, in fact, it’s a very complicated decision to make. I have got about one year to decide and I am more confused every day.

2 comentarios:

Robert Stein dijo...

Hi Adrià,
I've read your post about the fairground in Bna. I went there last saturday to pick some information for my students. I found your post very interesting. If I can help you anyway to choose what you are going to study let me know and we'll talk about. Robert

~Sandra~ dijo...

I don't like thinking about the future!
